Education: Baroque Trumpet

NEW! Get a free 45min lesson with a BfB Baroque Teaching Artist of your choice when you purchase the BfB Baroque™.

  • Would you like to start learning how to play the natural trumpet but don't have access to a Baroque specialist in your city or town?
  • Are you setting up a natural trumpet program at your school or university and would like to invite a teaching artist to present workshops or collaborate on a performance?

We are pleased to offer some of the world's top Baroque Artists to help you get started on your journey into the world of early music performance!

Explore this database of natural trumpet parts organized "by composer" and "by key" to learn what repertoire can be played with each crook set on the BfB Baroque™.

Demo Videos

Josh Cohen playing Bach Magnificat and Reiche Fanfare on the BfB Baroque™ and Norwich Natural Trumpet

Dr. Kathryn Adduci comparing the BfB Baroque™ to an Egger

Playing the music of Brahms using the technique of hand-stopping

Gabriele Cassone playing an early BfB Baroque™ prototype at the EMAP Conference (2015)

Raymond Riccomini of the Metropolitan Opera playing the BfB Baroque™ in audition...

Chris Hasselbring playing Beethoven excerpts on BfB Baroque™ in Eb